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Empty Your Cup

Updated: Dec 3, 2023

Exploring New Possibilities With a Clear Mind

 Clear Minds Make Space New Understanding
Empty your cup

An eager learner of Zen approached the Zen Master hoping to learn more about Zen. Yet, instead of listening to the Master, the student kept talking about the knowledge he had already acquired, trying to impress the Master.

The Master, however, remained silent and began to pour tea into the cup of his guest. Eventually, the cup was filled to the brim

The visitor exclaimed, "Stop! Master, you're spilling the tea!"

"Am I?" said the Master.

Amused by the Master's response, the student said, "Can't you see that the cup is full? You can't pour tea into a cup that's already full!"

The Master then asked, “Do you think I can teach you about Zen when your mind is already full?”


We need to clear out the mess in our house to make room for new things. Similarly, we must clear our minds in order to create space for new understanding, new concepts, new insights, and new convictions. Clearing our minds allows us to make space for fresh perspectives and gain new understanding. Living is an endless cycle of clearing and replenishing.


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